Very Prohibited Says: God Will not forgive you! The True Path - The True Path

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Monday, June 21, 2021

Very Prohibited Says: God Will not forgive you! The True Path

Very Prohibited Says: God Will not forgive you! - Duty of a Muslim is advocating doing good deeds and prevent unjust deeds . Thus Allah describes characteristics of the Muslims . This characteristic has led to even give the name of God was so special to Muslims . God named the Best Islamic Ummah as the Ummah are presented to all mankind .
كنتم خير أمة أخرجت للناس تأمرون
بالمعروف وتنهون عن المنكر وتؤمنون بالله
" You are the best people are born to men , sent to a ma ` ruf , and prevents it from being evil , and believe in Allah . " ( Surah Ali Imran verse 110 )
Activities ma'ruf amar nahi unjust and is an integral part of human activity to the call of God or the Islamic Da'wah . This activity requires the presence of excitement and positive emotions on self culprit . Without the excitement that a Muslim would not straighten his lapses . Without passion which a person may be motivated to awaken others to abandon the usual unjust deed he does . Without passion which maybe someone will have the motivation to push his work as recommended acts ma'ruf Islam . But keep in mind that when the emotion that underlies an act of proselytizing is not a positive emotion but instead of negative emotions , then the origin is an activity that can bring catastrophic goodness . Even disaster for proselytizing actors themselves .
What is meant by positive emotions is a burning feeling but still controlled within the limits justified by the teachings of Islam . While negative emotions are causing excessive feelings activists were justified beyond proselytizing Islam when he was advising his brother .
One form of such action is to look beyond himself entitled to determine who will be forgiven by God and who is not . He forgot that the human rights forgives completely in the hands of Allah, Most Merciful. A preacher has the right to tell his brother that involved disobedience to stop his actions violate Islamic rules , but it is neither necessary nor justified for the evildoers that threaten kemksiatannya would not forgiven by God . God is very capable and full power to forgive anyone who pleases . Note the following hadith :
أن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم حدث
أن رجلا قال والله لا يغفر الله لفلان وإن الله تعالى قال
من ذا الذي يتألى علي أن لا أغفر لفلان فإني
قد غفرت لفلان وأحبطت عملك أو كما قال
Prophet shollallahu ' alaih wa sallam said : There was a man who said : " By Allah , Allah will not forgive the so and so . " Allah says : " Who is my swear that I do not forgive the so and so ? Verily I have forgiven his sins and I have cleared your deeds . " ( Sahih Hadith narrated by Muslim ) .
Even in another hadith the Prophet shollallahu ' alaih wa sallam describes events that ever happened to the Children of Israel . When there is a brother and sister from the Children of Israel . One sin between them frequently while others diligently worship . So every time offender sin do -vice , then the ' abid always prevent it , but the actor kept repeating the sins of his sin . Until one day when the offender sinner sins before his brother , the times that he does not just prevent sinning brother . The ' abid uttered a sentence that exceeded the limit up to which he said that his heart would not be forgiven by God and would not even go to heaven . So what eventually happened to the second brother and sister ? Let's follow the story by directly reading the following hadith :
قال أبو هريرة سمعت رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم
يقول كان رجلان في بني إسرائيل متواخيين
فكان أحدهما يذنب والآخر مجتهد في العبادة
فكان لا يزال المجتهد يرى الآخر على الذنب
فيقول أقصر فوجده يوما على ذنب فقال له أقصر
فقال خلني وربي أبعثت علي رقيبا فقال
والله لا يغفر الله لك أو لا يدخلك الله الجنة
فقبض أرواحهما فاجتمعا عند رب العالمين
فقال لهذا المجتهد أكنت بي عالما
أو كنت على ما في يدي قادرا وقال للمذنب
اذهب فادخل الجنة برحمتي وقال للآخر اذهبوا به إلى النار
قال أبو هريرة والذي نفسي بيده لتكلم بكلمة أوبقت دنياه وآخرته
Abu Hurayrah radi ' anhu said : I heard the Messenger shollallahu ' alaih wa sallam said : " There are two men from among the Children of Israel are brothers and sisters. That a diligent worship and other sins . The man who diligently pray always say to his brother , ' Stop deeds your sins ! " One day he sees his brother sinning , and he said, ' Stop deeds your sins ! " " Let between me and my Lord . Are you sent to watch over me ? " She said . He said, " By Allah , Allah will not forgive you " or " He's not going memasukanmu to heaven . " Then God sent an angel to them to take them to gather in the spirit of his side . God says to the sinner , " Go ye into heaven by the grace of Me. " Then God said to the man who diligently serve , " Are you able to come between My servant , and My mercy ? " He replied , " No, O My Lord . " God said to the diligent worship ( to the angels ) : " Bring him go to hell . " Abu Hurairah , may Allah meridhainya - commented , " by the One who my soul in His hand , he really said in one sentence and to destroy the world and the afterlife . " (Abu Dawud ) .
Ya Allah , Instill always excitement in us for preaching in your Way. But we hindarknalah of force beyond preaching while eliminating our humble nature . O God , our hindarkanlah of saying something that could destroy our world and the hereafter . Aamiin ya Rabb .

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