Former Beauty Queen, Sister Jacqueline is based out of Pretoria, South Africa and was a former Christian from a illustrious family. She reverted to Islam around 7 months ago which bought peace and solace in her life.
Assalamu alaykum brothers and sisters from Always Sunny Always Smiling Jakaranda City Pretoria ... South Africa United Rainbow ... Nelson Mandela Peace Country :)
I often get questioned as to my reversion to Muslim ... so here is the story in short
Approximately a year and some time ago a very energetic young Turk totally Insisted on being my Facebook friend :D
I was not having any of it as I could see he was WAY too young and I could not understand a word he was typing as he was Turkish :)
However this did not stop him whatsoever ... he persevered and I eventually added him ... and then he started photo and video bombing my page with videos about Muslim/Islam reversions and music and love posts :) ... now I know the music and love posts are totally not Islam ... but somehow this totally crept into my mind and heart and soul ... even though it was Quite the challenge as he had to spend countless hours after his hectic day as barber in Essenler Istanbul Turkey where he works from 10am in the morning till 10pm at night ...:( in translating my War and Peace messages in English to his mother tongue Turkish and then still post me endless posts ... and then I in turn had to start learning Turkish :)
... as I have been most fortunate in my life that Allah has consistently guided me Away from All Kinds of Evil and Disasters that have befallen me since being a young child born from a Dutch liberal mother Jacoba Vrijenhoek originally from Rotterdam in Holland and a Highly Spiritually Blessed Father Roy von Brandis Knox from Scottish South African Decent from The Scottish Church Reformer John Knox and my great grandfather ... Baron Carl von Brandis who was The First Magistrate of Transvaal whose statue stands in the center of Von Brandis Plein in the Law District of Johannesburg South Africa.
This has taken me from living a very high profile life here in Pretoria where from being a miss Pretoria Show Princess to having my first husband name the most successful first Disco in Pretoria South Africa ...situated in the President Centre ... Pretorius Street ... 'Jacqueline'S' after me ... his wife ... where we worked together and became hugely successful and blessed in every material way and with five incredibly beautiful talented children ... This was also the Ultimate Evil that caused a Huge Rift between us as every conceivable evil was available to us and it took us all over the world in search of fulfillment which of course is a total waste of time ... as all it brought us was further separation from each other and Allah :( ... it was also a huge bad influence on our five children that have suffered Incredibly much over all these years in being exposed to every possible negativity available today to a human ... and also was the cause of our separation and ultimate Divorce most sadly.
I had to leave South Africa in fear of my life and was led to Leeds United Kingdom where I lived for 11 years till the High Hand of Allah uplifted me in The Most Powerful way back to Pretoria South Africa in 2009 ... and in all these years I have lived and traveled extensively in many countries and been and lived most religions as Allah has always been on my mind and my Ultimate Search for Truth and Beyond ...
So after a year with corresponding with Orhan Kocak on Facebook and personally in camera with him and his family on Skype ... I requested at various stages for him to please post me the English Translation of The Noble Qur'an ... as over here in Pretoria where I live behind the Magaliesberg Prayer Mountain near The Cullinan Diamond Mines and on the way to The Big 5 game Farms the book shops did not want to obtain it for me ... however Orhan insisted I fly to Turkey to see him and his family and learn the Muslim Culture and he would supply me with The Qur'an in English ... :( This was a huge expense for me as he did not want to come to visit me here in Pretoria :( ... so it took all of my pension to do this extensive trip to Sultanahmet in Turkey over Christmas ....
This Past December there I was in a most wonderful hotel right close to The Blue Mosque and The Powerful 5 times a day Call To Prayer sounded out wholeheartedly as if Just for me ... and I was in tears and down on my knees and flat on my forehead and face by this .... I was wowed by the Incredible closeness of The extensive Kojak family ... how they cared for each other most sincerely and everything revolved around the family and their basic needs and food was huge :D the factor that everything revolved around .... so different than the western way of life ... Ali Kocak ... Orhan's one brother who is a teacher of The Noble Qur'an gifted me the English Marmaduke Pickthall version and on my return I began the big Read as I am a total nerd and bookworm this swept me away with it's preciseness and Correct Code of Conduct ... two months ago after totally falling in love with Islam and Last Prophet Muhammad's words of Allah I uttered the immortal words that there is no God except Allah and Muhammad is the Last Prophet over Skype with Orhan's family in attendance .... whilst wearing my first Hijab / Sugarscarf .... and now I am proudly humbly Muslim and learn more and more every single day about Islam even though I make many mistakes I quickly get back on track reading all the Surah's and Hadith's and doing dua faithfully 5 times a day ... as Muslims are Not Perfect however Islam IS
eshedu enla ilahe illallah ve eshedu enne muhammeden abduhu ve resulu
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