London based sister Dawn reverts to Islam The True Path - The True Path

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Monday, June 21, 2021

London based sister Dawn reverts to Islam The True Path


My birth name is dawn. (Now Dalanda)

I was born in Camden town, London in 1975, I am the youngest of 5 children. I was a bit of a trouble child when I was younger. Very wild had a lot problems growing up at school and was bullied though most of my junior and secondary school. 

My life growing up wasn't very easy. I listened to my mum n dad fighting all the time, my dad died when I was 23.  I was bullied a lot as my sister went to a special needs school and also because I was very ill due to asthma and kidney trouble as a child. My parents moved from London to Essex. When I was 4 years old hoping life would be different. But life was a lot harder for me here. 

I was raped at age of 15 which led me to drink n drugs, I also got married and had 5 beautiful children, also I lost two babies at 24 weeks though my pregnancy, my marriage broke up just over 5 years ago which caused my oldest daughter to turn very violent n abusive toward me. I had a break down after my divorce and tried to take my own life 5 times, something I'm not very proud of. 

 How I reverted to Islam is when I met two lovely Muslim lady and her daughter, who invited me go to a women's group which was run by Muslim women , I started going every week made lots of Muslim friend there, who help me get though my divorce n all the problems I was going through at the time. After 3 months of going to this women group and listening to talks on Islam and about Prophet Mohamed (PBUH).  I decided to take my shahada. I'm happy to say I'm since in a new relationship with a Tunisian man and plan to marry in Tunisia on 12th august 2014. One thing Islam has taught me is no matter how hard your problems are never give your up faith on Allah as he is always there listening to your prayers and will always be there beside you. I'm happy I chose Islam as my religion and I'm so much happier in my life then I've ever been before. Peace n blessing to u all  

Since I reverted to Islam I have found lots people who I thought were my friends changed towards me. It has not been easy. I found it hard like a lot other reverts to start  with wearing hijab. Getting nasty looks and nasty comments made at me. I've been spit at and hit in face in street but all that made me a stronger person inside and outside. One thing I can say is Islam is such a peaceful and loving religion. I know Allah chose me for a reason . 

 Being Muslim has bought so much peace into my life which I didn't have before , it made me a stronger and confident then I was before and made me proud to be who I am.

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