Commonly Asked Questions At College/University The True Path - The True Path

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Monday, June 21, 2021

Commonly Asked Questions At College/University The True Path

Answering the questions that come our way, in the best way that we can.

A lot of the times at school/university we are approached about certain topics of Islam, that we ourselves are unsure of the answers too. This causes us to make up certain reasonings based off of our sometimes limited knowledge of Islam. But we must remember that this uncertainty in answering the questions comes through as trying to hide something or making up an answer on the spot. But we are the ones who can redirect the youth to Islam, and if our answers are unreasonable, we may end up repelling people from Islam as opposed to attracting them to it.


Below are simple answers to the common questions that we tend to face:

The answer to this is simple. Smoking is not religiously prohibited in Islam. In fact, it isn’t stated anywhere in the Qur’an to not smoke. It is, however, discouraged due to its negative effects on health. Islam does’t place guidelines and restrictions on everything, some things are left for us to decide. It (Islam) has allowed us to choose whether we care for our health or not. 
If we look at history, many years back, the Mullahs in India didn’t allow Ahmadi Muslims to enter their mosques, and pray behind their Imams. The other Muslims were advised not to enter Ahmadi Mosques and pray behind Ahmadi Imams. They were told to beat up any Ahmadi found praying behind a their imams. For approximately 11 years, Ahmadis had to tolerate this hatred, which had gone to the extent of the other Muslims being forbidden from interacting with Ahmadis in any way. For this reason the Promised Messiah (Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as)), directed his followers (Ahmadi Muslims) to hold separate prayer services in separate Mosques, to create peace. 

We must remember that the purpose of our creation is to worship and obey Allah: "I have created men and jinn so that they may know Me and worship Me" (The Holy Qur'an, Chapter 51 Verse 57). We also know that the Qur'an is our Holy Book of guidance and commandments from Allah. Within these commandments is also the command of covering up:"And say to the believing women that they restrain their eyes and guard their private parts, and that they disclose not their natural and artificial beauty except that which is apparent thereof, and that they draw their head-coverings over their bosoms, and that they disclose not their beauty save to their husbands..." (The Holy Qur'an, Chapter 24 Verse 32). So we are simply following this commandment of Allah. 

If we look at the verse "He has made unlawful to you only that which dies of itself, and bloog and the flesh of swine, and that on which the name of any other than Allah has been invoked" (The Holy Qur'an, Chapter 2, Verse 174). We can see that pork is made unlawful for us due to it's negative effects on our physical, moral and spiritual health. A pig eats filth and lives in a dirty place (mud). As well, tape-worms, scrofula, cancer and encysted trichina are known to be more prevalent among people who eat pork. Even doctors and studies are now stating the negative health effects of pork. An investigation by Consumer Reports, stated that 69% of all raw pork samples tested, were contaminated with the dangerous bacteria Yersinia enterocolitica, which causes fever and gastrointestinal illness. To read the rest of the article please click here. But the verse also goes on to state that if a person's life is in danger (due to starvation) and the only food available is the one made unlawful, than the preservation of human life prevails. 

If we look at the media today, there are many campaigns against drunk driving, and the increase in crime rates due to it. Overall, alcohol is now being seen as a very negative thing. We were instructed not to drink alcohol, because under alcoholic influence, we lose control over our actions and lack our mental capability of judging things correctly. This can easily increase our chances of making errors in judgement and decisions. Car accidents take place, because we can't judge the situation of the roads correctly. So if we can't control a car, how can we control things such as our rage, actions etc., while being under the influence of alcohol? Alcohol has more bad than good: "They ask thee concerning wine and the game of hazard. Say: 'In both there is great sin and also some advantages for men but their sin is greater tan their advantage'" (The Holy Qur'an, Chapter 2, Verse 220), and because of this, it has been forbidden. 

I can't tell you how much times I have been asked this question. If you look within the Qur'an there is no guideline that has been set by Allah that doesn't benefit us in this life or the next. So to some it may seem as if we have a lot to abide by, but these guidelines all create peace and better our lives. Believe it or not, Islam isn't the only religion with rules. Every religion has rules, but many people allow society to make them believe that they no longer need to be followed. 

I decided to leave this question for last, as it truly goes along with many of the above topics that I touched upon. So think about a party/prom/dance. What do you do at these events?
  • Dress Up: All of these events require a girl to wear something that is revealing and tight because all the other girls are wearing it. But Muslim girls are supposed to be modest in every aspect. We may be wearing a hijab on our heads, but we are also showing off our body in a tight fitted dress. As well, Hudhur (aba) has told us girls to wear a coat up to our knees. But would you want to go to a party/prom/dance wearing this? No. So why would you get yourself into that situation anyways when you can perhaps get together with your girl friends and be more comfortable without sacrificing your modesty. 
  • Dance: What's a party without a little dancing? Or a lot of dancing. We all know that these parties always have huge dances. Once again, dancing is not allowed in Islam especially when you are in a setting where girls and guys are together. For this reason, Hudhur (aba) has even stopped dances from happening at Mehendi's since there are both guys and girls present. Even if you yourself may not dance, why would you want to go to a party, where everyone else is dancing?
  • Alcohol: Alcohol is usually always available at the bars in these parties. But, as I stated earlier, alcohol is prohibited in Islam. We shouldn't have to be around it either, as people can easily pressure us into drinking it. 
  • No Segregation: Islam practises segregation to protect both men and women from lusting over the opposite gender. We don't want to be in a setting where we can easily be influenced into thinking about the opposite gender, and being seen with the wrong intentions by someone of the opposite gender. 
If you were to go to a party/prom/dance while abiding by these guidelines of Islam, it would have to be as follows: wearing a hijab and burka, not dancing, not drinking, and not looking at the males with a bad intention. Overall, it would be a very awkward situation that I suggest no girl should have to deal with. Why not just invite a few of your close girl friends over, where you don't have to worry about your hijab and coat, and you can eat all you want and watch movies. Sounds like a way better idea to me!

In the end there are still so many questions that I haven't tackled in this post. However, upon doing a survey, these topics were the most common topics that were questioned upon. There is so much more information that could have been given on each topic, however I wanted my responses to be short so that when these questions come up in the future you remember the shorter answer as opposed to a huge answer that you will probably forget. InshAllah, in the future there will be longer, more detailed, posts on the above topics. So stay tuned! 

May Allah enable all of us to continue to gain knowledge about Islam, and show all those that cross our path, the true meaning of Islam, Ameen!

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