The Importance and Blessings of Taking Part In Ijtema's The True Path - The True Path

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Monday, June 21, 2021

The Importance and Blessings of Taking Part In Ijtema's The True Path

As the annual Ijtema begins to take place at a local, regional and national level around the globe, I decided to remind everyone of the importance of this blessed event. 

Just like every other gathering that the Jama'at (Ahmadiyya) holds, this too is a great source of knowledge, self-reformation and way of coming together with other members of the Jama'at to gain and share knowledge. The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) stated that "When people gather together for the remembrance of Allah they are surrounded by Angels, and covered by mercy from their Lord". 


Upon turning 7 years old, the importance that my mother placed on me taking part in Ijtema was immense. She would help me prepare months ahead of time and would encourage me to take part in every little thing on the syllabus. I have to admit, I was probably the most shy nasirat in these Ijtemas, but I still continued to take part. I remember receiving my first medal at National Ijtema Canada at 7 years old for 4th place in Tilawat-e-Quran. I couldn't have been happier. It also encouraged me to willingly take part the following years. Alhamdulillah, my participation in Ijtema continued, and continues to this day only because of the love that I developed for it as a child, thanks to my mother.

It was only because of my mothers' strength of preparing me and taking me to these Ijtemas that the love for them that I had, continued to grow. I saw my mother take part when I was younger, and so that motivated me to take part as well. Ijtema became a reason for me to memorize the Qur'an and learn about topics given in speeches, that I may not have otherwise. The knowledge I gained planted itself into my heart, and continues to grow. It is one of the many reasons that I have a strong bond with the Jama'at now whilst in Lajna, Alhamdulillah.

One of the many things that I learned and continue to see today is that the young girls that took part in these Jama'at events (particularly Ijtema) when they were younger, are now the Lajna members that take part and make their children take part as well. It's not hard to see that those girls, who from a young age weren't shown the importance of these events, are not only distancing themselves, but distancing their own children from the Jama'at and Islam. 

I can honestly say, that if it weren't for my mothers' love for the Jama'at and her pressure of me taking part in these Ijtema's as a nasirat, I would never take part as a Lajna member now. We are the mother's of the generations to come. What we do now can influence the future of the Jama'at and society as a whole. Many times mother's don't realize that even learning one little Surah, is increasing her child's knowledge. A two minute speech on a given topic, may not be very knowledgeable for the mother, but it will definitely be a learning tool for the child. If a mother herself allows the excuse of school work, time, and being busy to be a valid excuse, then what more can we expect from her children? The child will assume that if the mother isn't giving it importance, then it must not be very important. Moreover, if your child is unable to participate, then at least bring them to the event. Although they themselves may not be taking part, they will definitely learn and become motivated upon seeing the other participants present. 

It saddens me to see the number of participants in these Ijtema's decrease year by year. Mother's are no longer allowing their children to bond with the Jama'at through such events. We can't expect our children to be close to the Jama'at and want to take part if we ourselves don't give it any importance. Children learn by example. 

So I hope and pray that many people take part in Ijtema this year and in the years to come, and realize the many benefits of it, Ameen!

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