Saudi women hail govt effort in promoting them The True Path - The True Path

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Monday, June 21, 2021

Saudi women hail govt effort in promoting them The True Path

For Saudi men, remaining in the shadows of men
in everyday life is passe. Backed by the government, they
have now entered many areas of social and professional
life, which they would have never dreamt of a few years

Saudi women have emerged as businesswomen, employees
at banks, markets and educational and health sectors. In
addition, they are competing with their male counterparts in
a variety of scholarship programs.

A number of women expressed their views to this
correspondent. Haifa M., a marketing manager, said that
with the support of the Saudi government, women have
begun to shine through in their capabilities and leadership
qualities. "They now possess the strength and ability to
invade the man’s world."

Weam H., a Saudi physician, said that women were not
allowed to apply for certain jobs because there were a lot of
restrictions imposed by their ‘guardians’. "It was tough in
the past to find a female doctor during the late shifts and
emergency cases. However, the situation is different now
and the number of female doctors is increasing."

Eman A., a school principal, said that many training courses
were needed for the development of female teachers’ skills.

"Luckily, the current national budget included training
courses for the staff in a manner that enhances skills,
which has positively been reflected in the level of
educational programs in schools."

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111111Untitled The True Path"   The Quran, repeatedly calls on the believers to seek knowledge, "And He has subjected to you, as from Him, all that is in the heavens and on earth: behold…

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