Modest Attire - Business Formal/Casual The True Path - The True Path

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Monday, June 21, 2021

Modest Attire - Business Formal/Casual The True Path

Different careers may require you to dress a certain way. Doctors are required to wear scrubs and other careers may have uniforms. But when working in an office, bank, or corporate setting you may be required to dress in business formal or business casual clothing as part of the dress code. As a business student myself, I know that it can be difficult to wear something modest yet still appropriate for the work setting.


Here are some outfit recommendations that I believe might help you when deciding how to dress modestly but within the requirements of your place of work.

By pairing a longline blazer with dress pants, you are able to get more coverage yet still look professional. If it's long enough, it can take the place of a long coat!


If you search around, it is not difficult to find dress pants that are on the loose side. These not only allow you to be modest, but also look professional while doing so.


Opting for a blouse that is long and loose can contribute to a modest outfit while falling under business casual/formal guidelines.


Depending on the place of work, you may be able to get away with wearing a long blouse with dress pants and a long collared coat overtop. If that is the case, you are able to practise your modesty with much more ease!


Longline Blazer + Blouse + Dresspants
Blazer + Long Blouse + Dresspants
Blazer + Blouse + Looser Dresspants
Coat + Blouse + Dresspants

When working in a professional corporate setting, I hope these staple pieces come in handy for you Muslim girls! Just remember, whatever career path you decide to embark on, don't lose your modesty! Try to adjust it to the work setting, but when away from work, stick to the more modest way of life you've been practicing!

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