Inspirational Brothers Coming to Islam The True Path - The True Path

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Monday, June 21, 2021

Inspirational Brothers Coming to Islam The True Path

It's not just the ladies making their mark as reverts to Islam...

I know it's been a while since I have written and I apologize for my neglect.  I won't say much but I can say that no one can accuse me of depriving Talal from having his Mother's full abiding attention!  Well, enough about that, I was scanning Twitter as I do to see what's what and who's who and who's not who anymore and this story caught my eye.  You know I do love stories about reverts to Islam and all of the stories I have shared have always been about the Sisters and I love boasting to others that Sisters maintain the lead when it comes to "choosing the straight path".  It was, I admit, refreshing to read about the inspirational Brothers who have chosen the road less traveled (in America).  I think it's extremely important for there to be more Brothers coming to Islam because they can really take the torch to places that are a little taboo for the Sisters to go to (much to my dismay).  Each of their stories is different and please share these videos with others in hopes that they will feel the urge to take that final step to glory and be the Man they were meant to be...

The videos below and story are shared from: 


.com/blogger_img_proxy/About the author: Tubah SultanView all posts by 
A self-taught web developer and experienced user of popular web content publishing platforms Blogger, WordPress, Tumblr, and Joomla!, Tubah started Creative Muslims with the hopes of building a mainstream media network to connect the creative minds in the community and to promote a positive view of Islam.

Ta'leef Collective presents "An Intimate Conversation with MUSTAFA DAVIS (Ta'leef Collective co-founder) and USAMA CANON (Ta'leef Collective Founding Director).
Usama Canon interviews Mustafa Davis about his recent tour to South East Asia and discusses Mustafa's childhood and opens up a very intimate conversation by asking "How did you get to where you are now?" Coming from a broken home, Mustafa candidly discusses his upbringing and how he found many similarities to his own story (amongst converts, reverts and born Muslims) during his travels throughout South East Asia.
visit to find out more about the work of Ta'leef Collective.

2. How the Bible Led Me to Islam: 
The Story of a Former Christian Youth Minister – Joshua Evans

3. Becoming a Muslim: My Story by Jon Dean

4. Journey to Islam: Latino Muslims Share Their Story 
by Br. Mujahid Fletcher & Br. Isa Parada

5. Shawn’s Story: Ta’leef Files

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