10 Things I Would Tell My Younger Self The True Path - The True Path

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Monday, June 21, 2021

10 Things I Would Tell My Younger Self The True Path

As you grow older, you learn a lot about what truly matters in life. There are many things I wish I had known when I was younger, to develop a more positive mindset in my younger self. Although it's impossible to go back in time, I believe these little pieces of advice and things to keep in mind can truly help you or the young ones in your life, embark from childhood into adulthood more positively!


1. Nobody has the PERFECT life
Oftentimes as a child, it can feel as though everyone else's life is perfect.
"Why do I look the way I look?" "Why does everyone else have the best clothes?" "Why does everyone else get the best marks?" "Why does everyone else have all the money in the world?" "Why? Why? Why"

You need to realize that just as your life is not perfect, neither is the life of the person you compare yourself to. You don't know the struggles anyone else is going through. They may be dealing with things that you don't even know about. Just because you cannot see the trials and tribulations in the lives of your peers, does not mean that they have a better life than yours. So stop envying these people! Allah tries His servants in many different ways, to see if they can grow from these trials, and grow closer to Him. I am positive you have a better life than so many individuals around the world! Think about that for a minute. Thus, you must learn to appreciate and be grateful for the life you have!

2. There will never be a RIGHT TIME
You may have the desire to do something in your life, but may continue to wait for the right time.  Just remember, that there will never be a right time. If you desire to accomplish something, start now! Once you begin the journey you wish to begin, Allah will Insha'Allah guide your steps forward. Whether this be a dream to start a business, write a book, travel, etc., just take the first step forward. Imagine how much more you can accomplish when you begin early and put more time and years into your dream. If you continue to wait for the right time, either you will have too many other responsibilities, lack financially, or not have enough time altogether - meaning the right time will never come.

3. You have a lot of FREE TIME
As a child, you sometimes forget how much free time you have. I believe this is true for every stage in your life. Despite being married and studying, I can still say to my current self, "You have a lot of time right now, just wait until you have kids!". If you are still in elementary or middle school, or have just entered high school, be grateful for the time you have. Many children have no other obligations besides school. With good time management skills, you should have plenty of free time during the week. Use this time to build on yourself, nurture hobbies, read, and gain knowledge. The knowledge you gain during this point of your life will definitely benefit you throughout your life. Do not let technology, movies, television shows, YouTube, social media, and whatever other distractions are out there today, steal hours upon hours of your day!

4. Expand your knowledge and MEMORIZE all you can
Building off of the above point I will say, memorize all that you can! In terms of religious knowledge, memorize Surah's, Hadith, verses of the Qur'an, about the lives of the prophets and all that you possibly can. I assure you that what you memorize today, will remain with you for your entire life. I still to this day remember everything that I had fluently memorized as a child! So do not let those early years (when your brain is able to absorb every little thing) pass by without you benefitting from them.

5. PRAY, not because you have to, but because you want to
I'm sure your parents are constantly reminding you to pray. I'm also aware that there must be days in which you pray for the sake of pleasing your parents rather than pleasing Allah. But you must remember that by praying, you are following Allah's commandment to pray and worship Him. Try to understand the true meaning behind why you are asked to pray and then promise yourself to never miss your prayers - not because you have to, but because you want to! Becoming regular in your prayers as a child will not only be a sort of investment for the Hereafter, but will also grant you so much success in this world Insha'Allah!

6. Don't let your insecurities undermine your WORTH
Growing up, you can easily develop a lot of insecurities about the way you look. Trust me, we've all been there! Whether it be your weight, height, hair, glasses, acne, etc., just remember that it does not at all define who you are! Many times you don't realize how insecure you feel about something until someone picks on you for it. Just remember that these people who put you down do not deserve the key to your happiness. The majority of these people will not even be in your life a few years down the line. So try to be comfortable in the way you look and the way Allah created you, because we were all crafted perfectly!

Oh, and you will 'glow up' Insha'Allah ;)

7. The little things will be of no importance in the GREATER PICTURE
Sometimes, you may feel as though a small decision or obstacle in your life is going to change your life forever. Majority of the time, this is not the case. Many of the small obstacles you face as a child, will be of zero importance to you in the future. So if any decision or trial is every stressing you out, remind yourself that it is only for a short period of time and will pass by Insha'Allah!

8. Your FAMILY is always going to be your greatest support system
As a child, there seems to be a social pressure to have the largest group of friends. But you must remember that a few amazing friends are definitely more valuable than many 'friends' who you can barely relate to. Regardless of how many friends you have, you should always be very close to your family! I am not saying to substitute family for friends, because I know you need a social life outside of home.  However, a lot of the friends you make throughout your life will only be there for a short period of time. Later on, you both may move on and lose contact. Family on the other hand, will always be there for you! Thus, it is very important that you build a quality relationship with your siblings and parents. Spend time with them. Build memories with them. I promise, when you're older, get married, and move out, you will miss your family the most! Moreover, it is your family that you will want to share every little bit of happiness and excitement with.

9. Enjoy the PRESENT
At every stage in our lives, we look forward to a stage in the future. Many children are excited to grow up, get into middle school, then high school, get a job, go to University, etc., forgetting about the stage they are currently in. Enjoy the present by reminding yourself that this stage in your life will never return!

When in high school, you will miss the free time you had after each day in elementary school.
When in University, you will miss the simple schedule of going to, and coming back from middle school.
When working, you will miss the feeling of spending time at your University campus and cramming for exams with friends.
When married, you will miss coming home to a home-cooked meal by your mother.

You see what I mean? Every stage in your life is a blessing! There are many people in the world who passed away before experiencing the next stage in their lives. We too, do not know when Allah has planned our return from this world. What if you never reach that stage in your life that you are oh so excited for? This is why it is very important to appreciate today!

10. Life is SHORT
Despite being in my early 20's I am constantly thinking of how short life is. As a child, you feel as though you have an endless number of years ahead of you - Sadly, you do not! This means that you should constantly be investing good deeds for the Hereafter. Pray to Allah, give to the needy, be kind to your neighbours, respect your parents, and adopt in your life all of the positive and blessed teachings of Islam. Remind yourself that this life is a test, and like any test, you can either pass or fail. You do not know when your life will suddenly come to an end. You are not promised to reach old age. This is why it is very important to remind yourself from a young age, of the true purpose of life and the inevitability of death and the Hereafter.

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