Constantly, we make the promise to reform ourselves later. Whether this be a bad habit, being better people, making a positive change in the world or practising our faith as it should be practised, we leave it off. But no one knows if we will even get to live to see tomorrow. Unfortunately, death doesn't only come to those who have reached old age, it can come to anyone at anytime regardless of race, health, religion, wealth or age.
You may have heard of young people who have suddenly passed away. They may have planned to do things that they never got to do. Our time on this Earth can prove to be very short, if we don't turn to Allah in time. Too many deaths have happened in the past year, making me stop and think. Many of these people never got to make it to old age or see their tomorrow. How many time's have we promised ourselves that we will start praying tomorrow, next week, next month or next year? How many time's have we said that we will go to the Mosque next time? How many times have we said that we will start praying and worshipping Allah when Ramadan comes around? Sadly, for many, the answer will be more than once or twice.
It was after experiencing the death of many, who hadn't made it to old age, but lived their live with a strong love for Allah in their hearts, that I began to think. I thought, if these people had planned to start worshipping Allah upon making it to old age, what would their life have been like? I then thought, if these people who are pious and righteous can pass away at such a young age, what assurance do I have that I can't? As these questions came up, I realized that something needed to change. I needed to change. And that's the day I promised myself to worship my Creator and live everyday spreading the message of Islam. I finally woke up and said, "Today I am going to change." What if I had said tomorrow I'm going to change? It scares me to think about that. This is why I constantly tell everyone to change themselves today. My heart literally skips a beat every time I talk to someone who says that they aren't ready to practise their religion, but will do so when they're older. I pray for these people because I know that no one wants to experience death without having loved God.
I know life is busy, I also know that when you have so much on your mind, you tend to forget about your purpose in life. But you need to realize this purpose, and go after it. This purpose may differ for everyone, but for myself and all the Muslims in the world, our primary goal and purpose in life is simple; to worship our Creator.
It's recently started to bother me, how often times, we take life for granted. So many of us have been blessed with so much, making us fail to realize that we may not have as many years ahead of us as we think. We forget that we aren't guaranteed to live to see old age. In reality, we may not even have next year, next month, next week, or tomorrow. I challenge you to not wait until tomorrow to change any habit that you have that Allah wouldn't be pleased with. I challenge you to tell those that you love, how much you love them. I challenge you to ask yourself this question: "If today was my last day in this world, would Allah be pleased with the that person I am?" and if the answer is no then do what you need to do, to change that answer to "Yes, InshaAllah".
It is stated in the Holy Qur'an:
[39:43] Allah takes away the souls of human beings at the time of their death; and during their sleep of those also that are not yet dead. And then He retains those against which He has decreed death, and sends back the others till an appointed term. In that surely are Signs for a people who reflect.
[10:57] He it is Who gives life and causes death, and to Him shall you be brought back.
Make a change, today. Change your habits, today. Be a better person, today. Open your eyes and realize how short this life is. Pray, before you're prayed upon. And walk to the Mosque, before you're carried there.
I pray that Allah enables all of us to realize our purpose here in life and that when our time comes to leave this world, we are ready to do so, Ameen!
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