Resolutions - Happy New Year 2016 - The True Path

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Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Resolutions - Happy New Year 2016

As the new year approaches,  I pray that it's full of health for us all, and recovery for the ones who are suffering; I pray that we become better human beings, and servants of Allah; I pray that the chaos and persecution in the world comes to an end, and we don't let this state turn into a World War; I pray for all the innocent lives that are lost in the world, may Allah forgive their sins and elevate their status in Heaven; and I pray that this year, the news isn't full of bombings, attacks, mass murders, or shootings, rather we all come to live in peace and harmony, Ameen!

Every year we set goals for ourselves, to be better people, better Muslims. Unfortunately, as the year goes on, we forget these goals or stop focussing on them. This new year, let's set some achievable goals that will help us in the long run! Below is a list I've compiled with a mixture of healthy and spiritual goals!

It can be hard to take time out of your day to read, or gain more knowledge than we believe is needed. But let's remember that the Holy Prophet (pbuh) said to seek knowledge from the cradle to the grave. Together let's try to read one book a month for 2016. If you've already read the ones in the list I've made below, feel free to replace it with a different book. There's a mixture of short and long books below.
  1. January: Our Teaching (click here for Ebook)
  2. February: Kashti Nooh (click here for Urdu Audiobook, click here for Ebook)
  3. March: Philosophy of the Teachings of Islam (click here for Ebook)
  4. April: The Will (click here for Ebook) (Shorter book keeping in mind girls with finals!)
  5. May: Blessings of Prayer (click here for Ebook) 
  6. June: Hazrat Amman Jaan (click here for Ebook)
  7. July: How To Be Free From Sin (click here for Ebook)
  8. August: Blessings of Khilafat (click here for Ebook)
  9. September: Our God (click here for Ebook)
  10. October: Christianity: A Journey From Facts to Fiction (click here for Ebook)
  11. November: Lecture Lahore (click here for Ebook) 
  12. December: Jesus In India (click here for Ebook)
Something as simple as drinking more water can help improve our internal and external health. There are many apps nowadays to help us drink the amount of water that is needed according to our height and weight. These apps also give you the opportunity to set reminders for the duration of the day. 
For some, 'Pray More' could mean to start praying the five daily prayers, for some it could mean to start praying the required prayers that are being missed, and for some it could mean praying beyond the required prayers (Tahajjud, Nafl). For this resolution we must personally assess ourselves, in order to improve our state of praying. The state of the world today should sadden each and every one of us and so the only way to restore peace is through Allah's mercy. Just remember that we will be questioned on our prayers on the Day of Judgement! Do what you have to do in order to pray. Set alarms or download prayer apps! We all must improve our prayers and pray more!

Take time out of your schedule to volunteer, give donations, write for newspapers on topics that interest you, comment on any allegations you see within the media against Islam. Do your part! We live during a time when social media is everywhere, it's so easy to share negativity which must be combatted with positivity!

It can be hard to take the time out to write a letter to Huzur (aba), since we tend to put it off. Also, many people forget the power of Huzur's (aba) prayers! Let's not take this for granted. I want you all to take a few minutes to write a message on the first of every month in your calendar saying 'Write A Letter to Huzur', set a reminder, create an alarm, do whatever you have to do to remind yourself, and make this a habit! 

I can't stress how important family is, and how lucky we are to have loved ones and family nearby. So many people in the world don't have parents, siblings or a home. Please make it a habit to at least eat dinner with your family, set a time that everyone can sit together! Enjoy the company of your family, because they are a blessing! 

Comment below what your New Year's Resolutions are, and whether you'll be sharing any with me from the list above! I'm so thankful for another amazing year! Another year of health; another year with family; another year in an amazing country; another year to repent; another year to worship. I really pray that we all improve ourselves in 2016, and help make the world a better place. I'm very thankful for those of you who took the time to read my posts this year! And I pray that I  can continue to gain knowledge and share it with you all! Alhamdulillah for another year! 

Happy New Year 2016!

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