Help Brother Amir ASAP Please - The True Path

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Monday, March 8, 2021

Help Brother Amir ASAP Please

UPDATE 7.10.13
The deadline to send in letters has been extended to July 15th. Please help if you haven't already.

I just found out about this today, but please help brother Amir. The deadline has been changed to today. I sent in my letter a few minutes ago. If you need convincing, watch this

MUST READ: HOW AMIR'S (LOON'S) TRAIL BEGAN... 17 November 2011, while engaged in a lecture tour in Belgium, brother Amir was suddenly arrested. America invoked the notorious "Patriot Act" and ordered him to be extradited back to the United States to be tried for ambiguous allegations of drug trafficking that "may have occurred between the years of 2006 and 2008," before becoming Muslim. The US government has used the fact that the charges originated on the federal level to freeze all of his monetary assets, thus leaving him and his family without any means to hire a dedicated legal team to effectively dismiss these spurious and dubious allegations. Amir has since been extradited back to America where he sits in prison awaiting trial. Due to his trial being delayed multiple times, after the help of Allah we are forced to reach out again to you, his supports for help. _______________

WHAT IS THE CAMPAIGN FOR AND WHAT TO SAY IN THE LETTER TO THE JUDGE PLEASE LOOK HERE We need 50.000 letters! About the Cause... In November 2011, brother Amir (formerly known as the Rap Artist "LOON") was in Belgium where he was giving a lecture. On Nov 17 he was arrested as the US invoked the "Patriot Act" and ordered him to be extradited back to America. He has been held in a detention facility since then. Currently in an effort to ease his situation, we are asking the public to "Write to Amir" to convince the Judge the people worldwide recognise Amir to be a changed individual and demonstrate to the judge of his rehabilitation since his reversion to Islam. We need 50.000 letters to make an Impact by Allah's permission. Please take a moment of your time and express to the judge how you feel our brother has changed for the good and is a reformed individual who has been an inspiration to others to change.

EMAIL TO: ADDRESS LETTERS TO: The Honorable Judge James C. Fox "Please send your letters in the form of a email so we can quickly process them for the judge" FINAL TRAIL DATE JULY 7TH 2013 Join the Campaign on the Official Fan page of brother Amir Muhadith facebook/Twitter accounts Twitter -

BELOW ARE SOME POINTERS YOU COULD FOLLOW - Please address your letter to: The Honorable Judge James C. Fox. Some pointers you could follower: 1. Introduce yourself (i.e. My name is (..) I am from(...) 2. How you came to know of Mr. Hawkins (brother Amir) 3. What you know of his character and civil work after 2008 4. Conclusion by requesting that the Judge kindly take into consideration Mr. Hawkins' (brother Amir's) peaceable and positive contributor to communities across the globe. Please Email your letter to:

Please write TODAY and help make a difference. NOW you can write via email. NO posting, NO cost!!! Ask All your family, friends, neighbor, co-workers to write in their support. This process wont take more than 3mins to aid your dear brother who has been incarcerated for almost 2 years. Kindly write few lines that could influence the judges decision. Write NOW to: ALL letters will be forwarded onto Amir's legal team who will present your letter to judge.

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