Dua-e-Qunoot : English & Urdu Translation - The True Path

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Monday, March 8, 2021

Dua-e-Qunoot : English & Urdu Translation

Al Qunut literally means “being obedient” or “the act of standing” in Arabic. The word is usually used in reference to special supplications made in certain prayers while in the standing posture. For example, it is sunnah to supplicate with qunut in the witr prayer during the entire year
Download/Read Dua Qunut (Doa Qunut)

Download/Read Dua Qunut Urdu Translation 
Download/Read Dua Qunut English Translation 
Transliteration of Doa Qunut / Dua-e-Qunut :
“Allah humma inna nasta-eenoka wa nastaghfiruka wa nu’minu bika wa natawakkalu alaika wa nusni alaikal khair, wa nashkuruka wala nakfuruka wa nakhla-oo wa natruku mai yafjuruka, Allah humma iyyaka na’budu wa laka nusalli wa nasjudu wa ilaika nas aaa wa nahfizu wa narju rahma taka wa nakhshaa azaabaka inna azaabaka bil kuffari mulhikun”
Translation of Doa Qunut / Dua-e-Qunoot :
“O’ Allah! We implore You for help and beg forgiveness of You and believe in You and rely on You and extol You and we are thankful to You and are not ungrateful to You and we alienate and forsake those who disobey You. O’ Allah! You alone do we worship and for You do we pray and prostrate and we betake to please You and present ourselves for the service in Your cause and we hope for Your mercy and fear Your chastisement. Undoubtedly, Your torment is going to overtake infidels”

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