Religious Freedom in Islam, What does islam say about freedom of religion - The True Path

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Friday, February 19, 2021

Religious Freedom in Islam, What does islam say about freedom of religion

Religious Freedom in Islam, What does islam say about freedom of religion

In Islam, every religion has the right to do their own religion. Islam does not force anyone to accept religion. Islam has been blessed with the religious freedom of human life, freedom of thought, freedom of expression etc.

Islam is the greatness and superiority of religion, Islam religion gives religious freedom to every person. Equal rights of all citizens irrespective of religion and caste, all are equal in the eyes of the state - this education is Islam.
Islam is determined to protect religious freedom. Therefore, no compulsion of accepting the faith or belief of other religions is not valid in Islam. Allah says: There is no compulsion for religion. (Surah Baqarah: 256)

Islam guarantees justice and equal citizenship for all, irrespective of religion of religion. Islam has no place for unfair bias. Our Prophet (peace be upon him) has explained this context clearly and refrained from criticizing other religions or do not insult others.

 We see the real reflection of the teachings of Islam in the holy life of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). He migrated to Madinah in the hope of getting freedom from religious oppression of Mecca.

After the Hijrah in Medina, he made a 'peace' with the Jews and other religions and tribes of Medina. This treaty is known as "Medina Sanad". Almost all the religions and castes of the people of Madinah Charans' have been guaranteed equal citizenship rights.

Islam came to uphold humanity by establishing the principle of freedom of religion and freedom of belief. Islam never forces people to convert to Islam or any other religion. Islam is a religion that gives freedom of religion and belief.
Allah says: "So your religion is for you, our religion is for us." -  (Sura Kafiroon: 5)

Islam does not allow for bloodshed, violence, fights, murders or forcible acceptance of Islam, Islam has been blessed with religious freedom in the human life, freedom of thought, freedom of expression etc. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, 'If a Muslim violates the rights of different religions, or oppresses them, then on the Day of Judgment, I will fight against Muhammad the Muslim in the court of Allah' (Abu Daud: 3052).

Islam has emphasized the importance of religious freedom, and it has been formulated for clear policies. Announced that no one can be forced to renounce his religion for accepting Islam. Islam, along with religious freedom, has also described the principles of behavior of Muslims and non-Muslims, and declares that the religion of the followers of other religions is their fundamental right, so their The religious place can not be destroyed.

The Prophet (peace be upon him) said:
" The person who oppresses a hostage, damages it, or imposes any additional responsibility on his neck, or takes away anything from him, and on the Day of Judgment, I will stand against him." (Abu Daud: Hadith No. 2665)

Many of the people of the Prophet (peace be upon him) were the hard-fought enemies of Islam. Nevertheless, the Prophet (peace be upon him) did not raise verbal abuse against them, nor did he raise verbal complaints against them. In this sincerity of the Prophet (peace be upon him), those opponents were also forced to take shelter in the streets of Islam.

A true Muslim can never do any such thing that is hurt by the feelings of different religions. It is not possible for a real Muslim to think of breaking the temples without breaking the temple. Because, Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) of Islam said, "Those who call people to communalism, fight for communalism, struggle and dedicate their life to life, they are not of ours." (Abu Daud: 5123)

In another narration, it is said, "Allah will forbid the garden of Paradise for anyone who kills a non-innocent person unfairly." (Sunan Nasa'i: 4747)

The usual rule of the Prophet (peace be upon him) and Khalafayi Rashidin was that when an army was required to send it, Along with various well-informed, direction, it would certainly have said that 'any temple-churches-worship after wartime or after war' Do not break. "(-Musanafa Abi Shayba: 33804)

Islam Human Religion Justice, compassion, courtesy behavior, kindness to the people, regardless of religion and religion, is one of the teachings of this religion.
Religious Freedom in Islam

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