Islamic Laws Simplified - The True Path

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Sunday, February 21, 2021

Islamic Laws Simplified

All praise is for Allah Alone, and His peace and blessings be upon the last of his Messengers and his holy Progeny. This book is a summaried and simplified adaption of the book, Al-Ahkam Al-Fiqhiyya, in accordance to the edicts of His Eminence, the Grand Ayatullah Sayyid Muhammad Sa’eed al-Tabatabai al-Hakeem. This book has been written to help those who are not familiar with the usual comprehensive books of Islamic rulings, so that they may understand the common laws which are relevant in the usual course of their lives, in a manner that is succinct and clear. We pray that Allah Almighty accepts this as sincere effort, to benefit the believers, for He is the Master of this life and the Hereafter, and from Him we seek support and guidance


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