Islam and the Modern Age - The True Path

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Saturday, February 20, 2021

Islam and the Modern Age

In view of the present state of marvellous rate of progress, can one really believe that Islam can cater to the needs of the modern world? Today, when man, by the means of his power of reason, is conquering the planets and is able to journey far out into the depths of space, is it not time for us to discard such ancient dogmas and concentrate our vision and will on the pur- suit of our magnificent victories, pursuing the modern sophist- icated way of life? Before answering these questions, I consider it essential to mention this point first: It is true that we human beings natur- ally prefer the new to the old. We always give priority to the new model of something over its older forms. But this general- isation cannot be applied to all situations and practices...


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author The True Path"   The Quran, repeatedly calls on the believers to seek knowledge, "And He has subjected to you, as from Him, all that is in the heavens and on earth: behold…

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