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Sunday, February 21, 2021


It was narrated that a man (Bahlul) was a lunatic during the time of the Abbasid Caliph, Haarun Rasheed...
One day, (Caliph) Haarun Rasheed passed by him (the lunatic man, Bahlul) while the latter was sitting on a grave.

Haarun said to him, in a rebuking manner: O Bahlul! O lunatic! When will you be sensible?

Bahlul ran up to a tree, and sat on the tree top. He then called out to Haarun in a loud voice: O Haarun! O lunatic! When will you be sensible?

Haarun, riding on his horseback, came under the tree and said: Am I the lunatic or you who sat on the graves?

Bahlul: Nay! I'm sensible!!!

Haarun: And how is that?

Bahlul: Because I know that this (pointing to Haarun's castle) is ephemeral while this (pointing to the grave) is permanent. So, I inhabit this (grave) before that (Castle - he's referring to edifices of Paradise).
But you inhabit this (Castle) and abandon this (grave)... You hate to to move from prosperity to desolation (grave), knowing fully well that it's your place of return, no doubt!
So, tell me // Who between the two of us is lunatic?

Haarun was moved to tears, crying till his beards became wet... And said: By Allah, you have said the truth.

Haarun: Tell me more O Bahlul!

Bahlul: The Book of Allah is enough for you, hold on to it

Haarun: Are you in need of anything, so that I can give you?

Bahlul: Yes. Three needs... If you can fulfill them, I'll appreciate you

Haarun: Ask

Bahlul: That you should increase my lifespan

Haarun: I don't have the power

Bahlul: That you protect from the Angel of Death

Haarun: I don't have the power

Bahlul: That you admit me into Paradise and save me from Hellfire

Haarun: I don't have the power

Bahlul: Then, know that you are owned and you own nothing. And there is nothing I'm in need of from you

(From the book Kitaabu Gaqlaa al-Majaaniin)

I hope everyone reads and forwards it. Perhaps it may guide someone whose heart is deceived by this Life...!

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