Book Review: Responsibilities of Ahmadi Muslim Women - The True Path

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Saturday, February 20, 2021

Book Review: Responsibilities of Ahmadi Muslim Women

Title: Responsibilities of Ahmadi Muslim Women

About: Compilation of Addresses by Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad Khalifatul Masih V (may Allah strengthen his hand) Head of the World Wide Ahmadiyya Muslim Community

Author: Isha'at (Publications) - Lajna Imai'llah UK 2013

I wanted to redirect all of the Lajna members to a great book, that I thoroughly enjoyed reading. Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad (may Allah strengthen his hand), always presents extremely knowledgeable sermons at any occasion. The sermons included in this book consist of:
  • Address Delivered to the Ladies at Jalsa Salana UK 2009
  • Address Delivered at the UK Lajna and Nasirat National Ijtima 2009
  • Address Delivered to the Ladies at Jalsa Salana UK 2012
  • Address Delivered at the UK Lajna and Nasirat National Ijtema 3rd October 2010
  • Address Delivered to Lajna at Jalsa Salana UK 2011 on 23rd July 2011
  • Friday Sermon Delivered at Masjid Bai'at'-ur-Rehman, USA on June 22nd 2012
  • Address Delivered to Lajna at Jalsa Salana USA on 30th June 2012
This book is a great source of knowledge for Lajna, both young and old. It tackles so many of the questions that we have, but fail to find answers for: Ahmadi women's role in society, marriage, Taqwa, using our resources to spread Islam, women in Islam's history, raising children with the love of Islam and fulfilling our pledge.

I recommend this book to be read by every Lajna member as it truly reminds us of our responsibility as the mother's, daughters, sisters and wives of Islam.

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