Book Review: Hadrat Amman Jan (ra) An Inspiration For Us All - The True Path

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Saturday, February 20, 2021

Book Review: Hadrat Amman Jan (ra) An Inspiration For Us All

Title: Hadrat Amman Jan (ra) An Inspiration For Us All

About: A Tribute to Hadrat Sayyedah Nusrat Jahan Begum (ra) The Wife of Hadrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as) - The Promised Messiah.

Author: Munavara Ghauri, Lajna Imaillah UK 2011

I wanted to redirect all of the younger as well as older Lajna members to a great book, that I thoroughly enjoyed reading. Growing up, I was always told to look up to the Holy Prophet (saw) and the Promised Messiah (as), and I did, in order to become a better Ahmadi Muslim. However, I felt like I wasn't getting as much knowledge on how a Muslimah should live her life, and take on roles such as a daughter, sister, wife, and mother. While reading this book, I was constantly learning  about ways to improve myself by following the example of Hazrat Amman Jan (ra). I definitely recommend this book to all the girls, but especially if you're getting married, this book has great guidelines for being a better wife and mother. The following is how the chapters are laid-out:
  • How Hadrat Amman Jan's Parents Became Acquainted with the Family of the Promised Messiah (as)
  • The Parentage of Sayyedah Nusrat Jahan Begum (ra)
  • Prophecies Relating to the Promised Messiah's Marriage to Hadrat Amman Jan (ra)
  • A Blessed Match
  • Hadrat Amman Jan's Life Passion: Worship
  • The Fulfilment of Hadrat Amman Jan's (ra) Prayers
  • The Fulfilment of Hadrat Amman Jan's (ra) Words
  • Hadrat Amman Jan's (ra) Love for the Promised Messiah (as)
  • Hadrat Amman Jan's (ra) Relationship with the Promised Messiah's (as) First Wife and In-Laws
  • Hadrat Amman Jan's (ra) Relationship with Her Daughters-in-Law
  • Hadrat Amman Jan's Financial Sacrifices
  • Hadrat Amman Jan's Daily Routine
  • A Simple Lifestyle
  • Hadrat Amman Jan's Appearance
  • Hadrat Amman Jan's Beahviour towards Her Household Helpers
  • A Lovely Sense of Huour and Gaiety
  • A Revolutionary Wedding
  • Hadrat Amman Jan's Kindness ot Orphans, the Needy and Students
  • Respect of Teachers
  • Hadrat Amman Jan's Moral Training of Children
  • Hadrat Amman Jan's Immense Steadfastness and Unshakeable Faith in the Promised Messiah (as), During Times of Great Loss
  • Hadrat Amman Jan(ra): A Paragon of Patience In Her Final Illness
  • Some Opinions of Hadrat Amman Jan's Children About their Mother
  • "Top Tips" From Hadrat Amman Jan (ra)
  • Hadrat Amman Jan: Where She Lives Now
  • A Final Message for the Jama'at
This book is a great source of knowledge for Lajna, both young and old. It tackles so many of the questions that we have, regarding how we as Ahmadi women should live our lives. I recommend this book to be read by every Lajna member as it truly reminds us of our responsibility as the mother's, daughters, sisters and wives of Islam.

If you are unable to purchase it, it is available online at

Let me know if the comments below what you think of this book! 

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