Ajwa Dates consumption in the morning, InshaAllah Avoid Magic Effects and Disease - The True Path

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Saturday, February 20, 2021

Ajwa Dates consumption in the morning, InshaAllah Avoid Magic Effects and Disease

Ajwa Dates consumption in the morning, InshaAllah Avoid Magic Effects and Disease
Ajwa Dates consumption in the morning, InshaAllah Avoid Magic Effects and Disease - Anyone who takes early morning 7 a date ' Ajwah , then on the day that he was not going to be easy poisoning and disease . " (Bukhari and Muslim )
Dates are a type of palm plant or in Latin known as phonex dactylifer fruitful and be eaten , either when fully ripe or unripe . Based on the scientific research of the scientists , palm fruit is very rich in protein , fiber sugars , vitamin A and C and minerals such as iron , calcium , sodium and potassium . Protein content that is in a date that is equal to 1.8 - 2.0 % , while the fibers as much as 2.0 - 4.0 % and sugar by 50-70 % glucose .
With the sugar content , a date can give extra power even for people who break fast so that he can feel refreshed and energized again to worship without feeling tired or sleepy . Usually , those who feel tired and sleepy while praying night because most of the food consumed contains carbohydrates provide instant energy ( extra ) . Therefore , to avoid this, a date is the answer .
Why ? For, as the research conducted by the World Kesahatan ( WHO ) , the sugars that are in contrast to the palm sugar in fruits such as cane sugar or regular sugar contains sucrose which the substance was directly absorbed into the body . This makes sugars that should be solved in advance by enzymes before they turn into glucose . Instead , the dates do not require such a process .
While potassium is in the palm fruit is useful for troubleshooting stress , constipation and muscle weakness . Not only that , thanks to the iron and calcium were there on dates , people will avoid high risk diseases such as heart disease and diabetes .
Based asbabul wurud ( decrease causes a hadith ) mentioned that Prophet Muhammad used to break the fast is eaten are dates. Dates are eaten was named Kurma Ajwa ( Ajua ) . The story , when it Ajwah is the name of the son of Salman Alfarisi friend , the Persian who eventually converted to Islam . He mewakafkan date palm land for the cause of Islam . To honor his work , the Apostle eventually named date he ate during fasting as Ajwa Dates trace the name child friend Salman Al Farisi . That is the reason why , eventually referred to as Ajwa Dates Dates prophet .
In fact , in another hadith which he himself had said , " The house is not a home its date as there is no food . " Rasullah words it shows how important the health benefits of dates for our bodies . So , every family should save dates as the obligatory snacks at home . Therefore , we should take a date not only month of fasting , but also makes the daily diet of dates . Whether it be eaten morning as the Prophet never recommended above or as a snack while relaxing.
In this way , we not only get a healthy body but also get rewarded for running the sunnah of the Holy Rasullah Wallahu'alam sowab bil .

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